Mark your calendar for our Plant Sale....

Mark your calendar for our Plant Sale....

Our annual plant sale is Friday, May 11th from 3-6pm and Saturday, May 12th from 9am - Noon here at the Harvest market building.  Horticulture students from Wawasee High School have been busy all winter growing plants for our sale.  Thanks to Joan Harden and these students!!  This partnership with Harvest provides us with plants to offer the community and offers the students real life experiences. A variety of vegetable starts will be available, thanks to the students, and we welcome any flower or herb starts you would like to donate, as well.

Please plan on stopping in to get some plants and make your donation to help further our efforts in the community.  We would also love it if you would consider growing an extra row specifically to donate to our market throughout the season.  The more produce we have, the more we can offer, and the more donations we can generate for our nine partner organizations.

As always, thank you in advance for your continued support!  May the growing season be a great one!!

Thank you to all who attended our plant sale....

Thank you to all who attended our plant sale....

Basic Ingredients

Basic Ingredients