Thank you for our recent food drive donations!!
Thanks to those organizations who conducted food drives this past week. Wawasee High School Key Club donated over 800 pounds of food from their Stuff-A-Bus campaign! The kids delivered the food and were thrilled with their total weight…as were we!! The Milford Community Bazaar received 170 pounds of food donated by attendees. Thank you so much!! CTB had a food drive among their employees and delivered over 300 pounds of food to our pantry this past Friday.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated. This food will help stock us up for the winter months ahead. We are continuously collecting food, as it goes out almost as quickly as it comes in….you can drop donations off during pantry hours (Tues and Fri 1-3pm) or in our drop box outside the front door. You can also make a monetary donation using the DONATE button on our website or mail a check to Harvest with a Heart, 201 South Higbee St., Milford, IN 46542. Thank you for your support!!